Sunday 21 August 2011


        The story begin when leonard,sheldon and other of their group were discuss about something suddenly came david who is visiting researcher.david offer leonard to cooperate with him about his research because leonard is a geniusman.leonard accept the offer without any excuses and he really like david because david is a charming guy and genius too.
        at home,sheldon neighbour's,penny decided to give a present to sheldon on chrismas that will be just around the corner.after have a debate with penny sheldon decided to give her a present too.sheldon ask his friends to join him to choose a present for penny,after a few minutes sheldon decide to give a basket of bath items to penny.unsure what will penny get for him he bought a lot of bath items for penny.
        after a few day,leonard and david become closer,david feel happy with it but that just for a moment.when david has meet penny,leonard become jealous after both of them dating.soon after,penny breakup with david after know that he already married.
        during chrismas,penny gives a napkin been autograph and used by leonard nimoy,also containing DNA for sheldon to clone his own Mr.Spock as a gift.sheldon really happy with it and give penny all the basket of bath items and a hug.both of them really happy when receive their gift.

         my opinion about this movie is this story really suitable to be watch by all kind of age,for child,adult and teenager.also has a several moral value that can be followed too,more information can we get when watch this movie.moreover,this story genre is comedy and would make the watcher feel entertain when watch it also feel like to watch it many time. for me this story was so entertain and hope many people would watch it too.

                                                                MORAL VALUE
           The moral value of the story is we have to appreciate a gift that someone give to us and receive it with honestly.for example,sheldon receive penny's gift with happy face and give her a gift as a thanks him to her because give him something that he really want it.we can't let jealousy embrace our soul,because can make we feel hate to someone.leonard feel jealous to penny when her dating with david,leonard's friend.

            as a conclusion,many kind of thing can we get through this story such how nerd get know and tolerate with people around them and how nerd people studied about something that they really want to know such sheldon who really happy when receive a gift of napkin from penny,that contains a DNA of someone he really want to know.also,many moral value that can we followed from this story and can be as a learner to us who watch,this whole story was really good to be watch with all kind of age and suitable for family to watch.lastly,this story was so interesting and contain funny stuff to make the watcher to laugh when watch the big bang theory.

Friday 19 August 2011


No 17,lot 1252,
Kampung Bangi Lama,
43000 Kajang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

6 August 2011

Dear friend;

How are you?I hope you and your family in good health.About me,I was in good condition now and has a bit of problem about arranging my time in university that was a particular thing that I have to confront off as a student.But I still have a stategies to confront this problem.So,I heard that you have a problem that you enables to solve by yourself.

Also I was so shock hearing that you decided to commit suicide because you was so stress thinking about your problem matter.Everyone has a problem you know,not only us have a problem in this world.Before you decided to do so you have to thinking a lot of time about yourself,family,friend and all the people around you that was so take care of you.When you decided to do so you was so thinking about yourself only and you can considered that you was so selfish.I was so sorry because I talking like that to you.It can be said that you was only thinking in this world was you the only one have a problem and many people out there have a more big problem than you.Did you think of that? And that matter can be solve so easily because they trusting in theirself.Here,I want you to be trust to yourself that you can solve your problem.If you hard to make it,do it slowly and maybe can relieve you a bit from tension.

I’m here writing a letter to help you to solve your matter,and I will not let you to be alone confront your problem by yourself.Me,as a new friend to you will help you as hard as I could to solve your problem matter.As a friend will never let his friend going through the problem by himself.I have several tips and advises to be shared with you.I hope that you will try to use my advices when you have a problem like this.Firstly,when have a problem you have to think that problem can be solve.Just set in your mind,your problem an be solve and considered it as a small problem.A lot of thinking will spoilt your mind and make you to be in stress condition,always in bad mood also not in happy condition.Because of this so,you make a decision to suicide cannot stand to going through the problem.A lot of thinking such of big problem can make our mind feel like burden to much.When you feel stress you have to take a deep breath at least 30 seconds and expel it slowly.It can be use because your brain need an oxygen to work out also can calm your mind from thinking that matter.

Beside that,when you taking a deep breath you have release the problem from your mind for a moment.Do a bit of body stretching by doing that can make you forget about you problem and concentrate on your exercise.Also,your brain,body,and mind can be in healthy way.We as a new generation or teenager have to release our mind from problem that can made us become stressfull with problem.To release your mind from stress do such of thing like,shopping,exercise and picnic with family and friend.A bit of activities like that would absolutely keep your mind away from problem and stress.

When you thinking that you was alone,you was wrong because everyone around you was so take care of you only you not realize that.You just only thinking about your problem only.Like me,me and our friend that as a same ages or teenagers like us so take care of you and feel sad hearing that you made a choice to suicide in your life.You thinking that you was alone because you confront your problem by yourself,and not sharing it with the one you trusted like best friend,parent and other people that close to you.When you have a problem,you have to story to someone you trusted to relieve a bit of your problem.That people would give you an advise and support you from back,or maybe help you a several that make you relieve a bit from suffer it by yourself.

Me was a teenager as you was so take care of you,eventhought,I was not same country as you.I know how do you feel when no one not take care to us or not listening our problem.You feel terrible and lonely,right? But you have to think that God always beside you to hear your pray.I was so shock and sad when heard that many among of you would like to commit suicide because cannot stand this problem anymore and start to blame The God when you really need His help.Also,me and all teenager were concern of you when you have a problem and make a stupid doing decision to suicide.Now,I wants you to realise that take an action to suicide is not a solution to all of your problem.You have to think that suicide would bring bad effect to you.You trying to suicide like eat a lot of pill,nick a pulse and so on but your death is not arrive yet,you would get a bad effect like paralyse and coma till the end of your life.So,many people around you would feel sad when you in condition like that and that time you would feel regret by doing that and feel sorryto the people who actually take care of you.Time will never turn back to wait for you to realize,so,I want you solve problem patiently.

Before I ended my letter,remember that every religious not encourage their followers to commit suicide because it was one of the big sin.Lastly,I want to apologise to you if my words has hurt your feeling,my word is only want to give you a bit of realization.This is the end of my letter and I want you to strenthen your soul to going through this problem.Be the best teenager for our next generations.Hope that you would think more throughly before take an action to suicide as a solution.
                                                                                                        Your friend,
                                                                                                     NUR ATIQAH

Monday 1 August 2011


Zombieland movie was about love,comedy, suspense and horror.the main character of this story is Colombus.
 Columbus is a hero of this story,he is a zombie hunter he be a hunter after his living country been attack by zombie virus.the civilians of his country has been under attack and most of them already be a zombie.
colombus also has a several rule to be followed by to avoid him from be a victim of zombie.he also cooperate with other character to eradicate zombie from become more worse.this movie was story about how
each character from this story to confront with zombie trouble.also,this story genre is universal can be
watch for all kind of ages and suitable for family watching.

Moral value of this story is be careful when to get know someone that we already met,because we did't
know how the agenda of that person to example,columbus easy to trust people that he already
met without any doubted.follow the rule that already been set of to avoid us from get trouble.other than
that,cooperation between other member.we have to help other member when they got trouble and can
built strong relationship in the,the cooperation between group member will be shown.strong
family relationship also is the moral of this movie.columbus's zombie hunter partner was so miss his
son and also his other 2 member is a girl sibling,they help each other when one of them get trouble.
lastly,we have to share our useful experience with others so that can be use together to avoid something
bad happen.actually this movie was full of was moral value to be followed.

The character that i like in this movie is the hero character,name,columbus.i really love his character because
he was an independent man.he live alone after his parent was dead,he live by himself and studied how
to survive being alone.he also a professional zombie hunter and can use a weapon like,shotgun very
well.he also an alert one,because he stuff himself with other knowledge about zombie matter to avoid
him to get harm.he use many of rules to protecting himself and his group members.other than that,he
love to give cooperation with his group.he always help his group member when they got trouble,from
here we can figure out that he has a strong friend relationship with his friends.lastly,he is a very sensitive
man when talk about his late parent,its remind him to them because his parent leave him when he was
a little boy.he also did't like when one of his group member get fight and he always be the one who solve
the me columbus was perfect to be a hero in this story because he has a positive moral value
from him to be followed by the watcher.

My opinion about this movie is i love this kind of story which contents an action style,a bit of horror
scene and make me feel happy is this movie most contents a comedy scene that always make me laugh
without feel boring during watch it.this story full of moral value to be followed by watcher.maybe to
other,this zombie story does't make in sense because there is no zombie in this world and think
this movie was a ridiculous story.moreover,this movie need an adult awareness for a kid under 13 below,
because has a terrified and evil scene that not suitable for under age to watch it.also,this story suitable
to be watch for whole family because this movie label as universal(U) and can built strong family
relationship during watch it together.

As conclusion,this movie has give a lot of moral value for me to followed.the character of hero in this
movie can give a positive responds to a watcher,because he has a good behavior that can be followed
by a watcher.for me totally this movie give me a satisfaction during watch it.also this movie has many kind
of  genre consist of comedy,love,horror and family relationship.from this movie we can example
its moral value to be use in our daily life.lastly,this movie was totally the best movie to be watch it
because contains many of knowledge.

Sunday 31 July 2011


This movie was story about a man which are the main character name,Tom.He was fell in love with his colleague
name,Summer.She was an attractive woman in that office,a man that looks at her will fell in love with his pretty
face.Tom do anything that will attract Summer attention,he never give up to win Summer heart.After he become
friend with Summer he was really hope that Summer will treat him like her boyfriend.When Summer get really
close with him,he really crush on Summer,but,Tom just has misunderstand to Summer.So,they have a big fight and when their separate for a moments Tom was lost his concentration on work.This movie story how life
of Tom after meet Summer.There has many sad and happiness of Tom going through with or without Summer.

The moral value of this movie is be concentrate on work and pay attention when had a discussion or meeting
during on work cooperation.As example,Tom did't pay attention during on meeting with his manager because of thinking about his problem with Summer.Also,don't mix up between personal and work discussion like love matter,family matter and so on.The mix up of personal matter into work will make us more hard to concentrate on work problem and cause,a big stress to us because thinking of other matter when on work.Other than that,care about other people feeling when talks or give opinion.Because we did't know every
word that we said maybe had hurt people feeling,so,be watch out on every word that we going to say.Lastly,help friend when they have a problem to be share with us.

Character that i like is a small girl name Samantha.She only came out when Tom really need his advise.Although,she has a small character in this story to me she main such a big character to be compare
with the other adult character.she always helps tom when tom really need her advise,she give a brilliant
idea for tom to get summer also give support to tom after tom has been left by summer.she also a good
listener to,she hear tom problem about summer.i like how she interact with tom to give an advise,because
she has mature thinking.she is an active girl at school,because she joins soccer team society at her school.she
is a  friendly girl and always be her friend attention.i love her character because she did't looks like a
little girl in this movie,she looks mature.

My opinion is this movie has a slow motion of its story also bored a people who watch it.also the character
did't show much of good moral to the watcher and not good to be seen by all kind of ages.the movie
should be label as 18 above to watch it and cannot built a relationship of family because not suitable for
children to watch it.actually this story has moral value too to be a good listener as a,this kind of
moral can be followed.

As conclusion,this movie also has a good benefit to be watch too,because has something from this story
can we learn.firstly,we cannot easily fall in love with someone just because he or she has a good looking.
beside that,we did't know that person was truly sincere to be friend with people always saying
'don't judge the book by its cover'.to find a soul mate we have to discover more about that person
to us.lastly,we have to be more careful when to be friend with someone.

Friday 22 July 2011


        Time.What can we discuss or figure out with the meaning of time?.From my opinion time is about
something that cannot be turn around back,because every ticking of time had their own importants event
that happen to all people at all corner of the world.Time also can be classes into three group,which are,
hour,minutes,and second.Without this three groups the meaning of time never complete and we have to
understand the meaning and related of this three to the meaning of time.Now,we can also see that most community had spent their time with useless thing that never came a benefit.Certain people
take a good care of their to avoid from running out of time,but most people today never appreciate
their time.What and how the step to overcome this thing from happen twice? 
        Several steps have to be taken such as,government or other society that related too need to take
some steps likes,motivations about time,a campaign,advertise about a care of time through media.From
here,maybe a bit of relization from community to take.
        Other than that,the appreciation of time need to be nourish from we are a small kid.So,school party
need to make a serious steps to born a student or generation that appreciate to time.steps that need to
take such,debate competition about time.School party have to approach student with this kind of  thing
to polish their talents from small also teach student about time.Also,invite a profesional lecturer to give
a lecture to them about the benefit of time to them.Beside that,can give them the understanding of time
and teach them to be more careful to arrange time between need and not need.
        We can use time to release tension from work stress on weekend with family or friend.Also relationship
between family can get close and make our body became healthy.Other activity we can do such,picnic,
outdoor sport,jogging and others.Sometime,on weekend we spent our time on logging internet.In
modern development of technology we have social web to connect us to get know people and to
get close to old friends.Most teenagers today logging internet to online on social web rather than to play
outside to exercise,example of famous social web such,facebook,tagged,twitter and many others.the advantage of this can make a teenagers to loss on focus to do other benefit things.
        As conclusion,the uses of time needs to be care of properly.Parents as a main character to take
over their children need to be profesional to take over on children.As a parent needs to responsible
to teach their children to appreciate time from baby,to born a useful man or lady to be a person that
appreciate time when their adult.So,the community can have a citizen that use time properly.

Thursday 14 July 2011

              In this modern world,a lot of technology and new building were develop luxurious.Also the people around it will be develop and modern equally toward the development of the world.Mostly people said,among the teenagers will incharge the world with their lead characteristics to conduct the world for the next generations.But after some bad news we heard today will twist our opinions about teenagers.Many kind of things that teenagers involve likes random sex,truancy among students,crime and also about diseases.
              Teenagers.A lots of trouble that we heard about teenagers at the television,radio,newspapers and so on.Teenagers actually at the ages around eighteen years old and above.When they achieve at the age of that,feel of freedom was coming through and think that they were good enough to do something without direction,maybe some teenagers will not follow their parent instructions and think that they were big enough to do something without to think between bad and good thing.
               We also heard about teenagers been involve in drug addicted.Teenagers increasingly getting high off prescription drugs.Prescription drug abuse among teenager has become so prevalent in recent years.
                Moreover,in modern world all kind of thing need to be instants to save the using of time,such as junk food or fast food.A lot of cholesterol were contains in kind of instant food.Example,Kentucky Fried Chicken(KFC),pizza,MCDonald and more.Much of sugar and salt were added in this food.Also the ingredient that make it more delicious is added some of MSG.MSG were the added ingredient to make it more tastier has a bad effects behind it.Although,most people still believe that eating saturated fats and cholesterol is the greatest risk factor in developing heart disease.A new study find that even teenager who consume too many added sugar in soft drinks and food develop high risk of heart disease and also diabetes among teenagers.
                  In statistics now,most nominate the obesity chart was teenagers between twelve and above.A lot of cholesterol and intake of food over the limit will cause a obesity.Not only because of cholesterol,lack of sleep also cause weight gain in teenagers.Many teenagers miss out on a full night's sleep during the school week which impacts on school performance,attension,memory and has been identified.
                   As a conclusions,all the people who responsible to overcome this problem needs to do something before something bad happen in twist a parent who was a main character in this cases need to take care of their children properly since they was at baby level.In come year,our world needs someone among the teenagers today to be a leader to improve,develop,and conduct their own country.