Sunday 31 July 2011


This movie was story about a man which are the main character name,Tom.He was fell in love with his colleague
name,Summer.She was an attractive woman in that office,a man that looks at her will fell in love with his pretty
face.Tom do anything that will attract Summer attention,he never give up to win Summer heart.After he become
friend with Summer he was really hope that Summer will treat him like her boyfriend.When Summer get really
close with him,he really crush on Summer,but,Tom just has misunderstand to Summer.So,they have a big fight and when their separate for a moments Tom was lost his concentration on work.This movie story how life
of Tom after meet Summer.There has many sad and happiness of Tom going through with or without Summer.

The moral value of this movie is be concentrate on work and pay attention when had a discussion or meeting
during on work cooperation.As example,Tom did't pay attention during on meeting with his manager because of thinking about his problem with Summer.Also,don't mix up between personal and work discussion like love matter,family matter and so on.The mix up of personal matter into work will make us more hard to concentrate on work problem and cause,a big stress to us because thinking of other matter when on work.Other than that,care about other people feeling when talks or give opinion.Because we did't know every
word that we said maybe had hurt people feeling,so,be watch out on every word that we going to say.Lastly,help friend when they have a problem to be share with us.

Character that i like is a small girl name Samantha.She only came out when Tom really need his advise.Although,she has a small character in this story to me she main such a big character to be compare
with the other adult character.she always helps tom when tom really need her advise,she give a brilliant
idea for tom to get summer also give support to tom after tom has been left by summer.she also a good
listener to,she hear tom problem about summer.i like how she interact with tom to give an advise,because
she has mature thinking.she is an active girl at school,because she joins soccer team society at her school.she
is a  friendly girl and always be her friend attention.i love her character because she did't looks like a
little girl in this movie,she looks mature.

My opinion is this movie has a slow motion of its story also bored a people who watch it.also the character
did't show much of good moral to the watcher and not good to be seen by all kind of ages.the movie
should be label as 18 above to watch it and cannot built a relationship of family because not suitable for
children to watch it.actually this story has moral value too to be a good listener as a,this kind of
moral can be followed.

As conclusion,this movie also has a good benefit to be watch too,because has something from this story
can we learn.firstly,we cannot easily fall in love with someone just because he or she has a good looking.
beside that,we did't know that person was truly sincere to be friend with people always saying
'don't judge the book by its cover'.to find a soul mate we have to discover more about that person
to us.lastly,we have to be more careful when to be friend with someone.

1 comment:

  1. 7/10

    Please improve your knowledge on tenses.

    People who are sensible about love are incapable of it. ~Douglas Yates
