Friday 22 July 2011


        Time.What can we discuss or figure out with the meaning of time?.From my opinion time is about
something that cannot be turn around back,because every ticking of time had their own importants event
that happen to all people at all corner of the world.Time also can be classes into three group,which are,
hour,minutes,and second.Without this three groups the meaning of time never complete and we have to
understand the meaning and related of this three to the meaning of time.Now,we can also see that most community had spent their time with useless thing that never came a benefit.Certain people
take a good care of their to avoid from running out of time,but most people today never appreciate
their time.What and how the step to overcome this thing from happen twice? 
        Several steps have to be taken such as,government or other society that related too need to take
some steps likes,motivations about time,a campaign,advertise about a care of time through media.From
here,maybe a bit of relization from community to take.
        Other than that,the appreciation of time need to be nourish from we are a small kid.So,school party
need to make a serious steps to born a student or generation that appreciate to time.steps that need to
take such,debate competition about time.School party have to approach student with this kind of  thing
to polish their talents from small also teach student about time.Also,invite a profesional lecturer to give
a lecture to them about the benefit of time to them.Beside that,can give them the understanding of time
and teach them to be more careful to arrange time between need and not need.
        We can use time to release tension from work stress on weekend with family or friend.Also relationship
between family can get close and make our body became healthy.Other activity we can do such,picnic,
outdoor sport,jogging and others.Sometime,on weekend we spent our time on logging internet.In
modern development of technology we have social web to connect us to get know people and to
get close to old friends.Most teenagers today logging internet to online on social web rather than to play
outside to exercise,example of famous social web such,facebook,tagged,twitter and many others.the advantage of this can make a teenagers to loss on focus to do other benefit things.
        As conclusion,the uses of time needs to be care of properly.Parents as a main character to take
over their children need to be profesional to take over on children.As a parent needs to responsible
to teach their children to appreciate time from baby,to born a useful man or lady to be a person that
appreciate time when their adult.So,the community can have a citizen that use time properly.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Please improve your knowledge on tenses.

    2. Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment. That is what’s real.
    Sara Paddison

