Sunday 21 August 2011


        The story begin when leonard,sheldon and other of their group were discuss about something suddenly came david who is visiting researcher.david offer leonard to cooperate with him about his research because leonard is a geniusman.leonard accept the offer without any excuses and he really like david because david is a charming guy and genius too.
        at home,sheldon neighbour's,penny decided to give a present to sheldon on chrismas that will be just around the corner.after have a debate with penny sheldon decided to give her a present too.sheldon ask his friends to join him to choose a present for penny,after a few minutes sheldon decide to give a basket of bath items to penny.unsure what will penny get for him he bought a lot of bath items for penny.
        after a few day,leonard and david become closer,david feel happy with it but that just for a moment.when david has meet penny,leonard become jealous after both of them dating.soon after,penny breakup with david after know that he already married.
        during chrismas,penny gives a napkin been autograph and used by leonard nimoy,also containing DNA for sheldon to clone his own Mr.Spock as a gift.sheldon really happy with it and give penny all the basket of bath items and a hug.both of them really happy when receive their gift.

         my opinion about this movie is this story really suitable to be watch by all kind of age,for child,adult and teenager.also has a several moral value that can be followed too,more information can we get when watch this movie.moreover,this story genre is comedy and would make the watcher feel entertain when watch it also feel like to watch it many time. for me this story was so entertain and hope many people would watch it too.

                                                                MORAL VALUE
           The moral value of the story is we have to appreciate a gift that someone give to us and receive it with honestly.for example,sheldon receive penny's gift with happy face and give her a gift as a thanks him to her because give him something that he really want it.we can't let jealousy embrace our soul,because can make we feel hate to someone.leonard feel jealous to penny when her dating with david,leonard's friend.

            as a conclusion,many kind of thing can we get through this story such how nerd get know and tolerate with people around them and how nerd people studied about something that they really want to know such sheldon who really happy when receive a gift of napkin from penny,that contains a DNA of someone he really want to know.also,many moral value that can we followed from this story and can be as a learner to us who watch,this whole story was really good to be watch with all kind of age and suitable for family to watch.lastly,this story was so interesting and contain funny stuff to make the watcher to laugh when watch the big bang theory.

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